Registration Fees for ISIAME2024

(welcome party, coffee break, lunch, minitour, and conference dinner included) 

Early-bird registration is recommended. Only those who paid the registration fees by July 31, 2024 could participate in the Conference. 

Every participant has to pay the Registration Fee without exceptions. Payment should be made in Japanese Yen (JPY) with a credit card. Registration fee is non-refundable for personal reasons.

Click the "Registration" button below to go to the web page of the Confit system. Please log in with the same ID and password used for "Abstract Submission" to complete your registration. 

[To residents in Japan (the following is written in Japanese only)]

The abstract submission/participation registration system will be inaccessible from May 9, 21:00 to 24:00 (Japan Standard Time) due to maintenance.

Early Bird (April 1 - June 30, 2024)

Standard (July 1 - July 31, 2024)